Qt®/C++ to Flutter/DART, OpenGLES to Vulkan, Rust and Fuchsia
Open Source License Compliance Audit
Start Your Day Right.
Do you have any concern on any open-source Qt lib/api in your product? Afraid of if this ever becomes any problem for your project in the future? or even got licensing options from someone that you are not sure?
Protect your copyright.
The Firstcode-level audit to ensure your product is compliant with open source licensing to avoid any legal issue.
The Secondprocess and business level audit to protect your licensing and copyrights.
The Thirdshield your project with ISO5230:2020 certification for open source license compliance audit.
Kuesa 3D is a complete design-to-code workflow solution for 3D in real-time applications, centered around the open glTF™ 2 3D format which is supported by applications like Blender, Maya, 3ds Max and others.
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View features, plans and case studies
View features, plans and case studies
A set of embedded software which provide critical functions for In-Vehicle networking. Including protocols for diagnostics, discovery, configuration, and memory flashing.
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